High School

High School
Jr. and Freshman

Friday, August 29, 2008

Pretty new at this blogging stuff so I am sure it will get better with time. My life is a busy one but I wouldn't have it any other way. Life in the Hannon house....I would sum it up with the constant statement out of my mouth....."Where are my keys!!!". Patrick and I both work full time and I go to school part time. We have been blessed with wonderful healthy children who do well in school and are truly involved in just about everything. What one hasn't signed up for the other has. Which is why tonight I am working on a blog and not in bed getting my beauty rest! Savannah and Haile are at this years first high school football game. Savannah is one of the managers for the team and Haile is a cheerleader. Sara keeps us hopping as well. She is in honors band and starts tennis on Tuesday. I often wonder how we fit everything in! I say thank goodness for wireless Internet and laptops! I have a good feeling this year that my car will become my new office! It is amazing what you can get accomplished waiting for a game to start! As time rolls on I will add more pictures and keep everyone more informed of the Hannon Happenings! Stay tooned!